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Best daily exercise regimens to lose weight

Weight loss is an issue bogging down half the human race at this moment. Obesity is becoming a very dangerous condition leading to psychological and physical ailments. When on one hand, being overweight leaves you under confidant, on the other hand, excessive fats lead to cardiovascular diseases. Already, pollution and stress are piling up the tentative health problems for everyone on the globe. You definitely don’t want to increase the chances of getting sick. Here Yoga comes into play!

Yoga Asanas for Losing Weight Quickly

1. The Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

Surya asana is a very effective exercise for losing weight. This consists of 12 unique yoga asanas which are to be performed in a series. These poses include the prayer pose, raised arms pose, hand-to-foot-pose, equestrian pose, stick pose, salute with eight points pose, cobra pose, mountain pose and tadasana. All these combine to make up a one-for-all fat burning exercise.

2. The Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

This posture is initiated by a mountain pose, i.e joining both palms together over your head. Then, gradually stretch your one leg backwards and with the other leg, make 90 degrees angle with respect to ground. This one is best for your thighs and arms. With the advantage of weight loss, this routine will also help you maintain an overall stability and balance.

3. The Boat Pose (Nauka Chalan)

This one can also be called the ‘V-pose’. To start with, lie down flat on your back. Then come to v shape by lifting your back and thighs together. Hold for few seconds and repeat. This exercise is one of the best to accompany with a diet to weight loss. It massages the lower abdomen.

4. The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandh)

The thigh and belly fat can be easily tossed apart by this asana. All you have to do is to start from a flat-back position. Then, fold your legs inside. Try to raise your pelvic area by holding your feet in support.

5. Upward Plank (Purvottanasana)

If you are looking to tone up your arms, wrists and back, the upward plank is your ideal yoga pose. Sit with stretched legs in front. Place your palms close to the hips. Prepare to lift your body up. Balance the entire weight on your palms and toes. This will strengthen your core and spine.

6. The Triangular Pose (Trikonasana)

Start this exercise with your legs wide open. Then bend down your waist over right leg with hands stretched out. Repeat for the left side. If you are looking to burn those love handles, this one is just your catch.

7. The Locust Pose (Shalabhasana)

You have to start this posture by lying on your tummy. Bring your legs closer. Try to lift up your shoulders, chest, thighs and legs above the floor. Hold it for a few seconds and then come back to the initial pose. This exercise strengthens your shoulder and massages abdomen.

8. The Plow Pose (Halasana)

One should be very cautious while performing this posture. You can start by placing a blanket underneath your shoulders. So all you have to do is to lie on your back and then slowly lift up your entire body on shoulders. Fold your legs before attempting to raise-up your buttocks. Straighten up the leg in the air. Hold this posture for few seconds and carefully come back to the initial position. This posture is the best for harmonizing your lower body.

9. The Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This yoga asana is similar to squats. Stand straight with palms joined over head. Gradually bend your knees in an attempt to sit in air. Keep bending until your thighs make a parallel with the ground. Get yourself comfortable. Stay in this position for 20 seconds at minimum. Then stand back and repeat.

10. The Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

When it comes to weight loss, planks have never failed to impress us. The side plank pose is an improvised version of the basic one. Start by lying on your right shoulder. Ensure that your leg is placed one over another. Now stretch your arms and lift up your body on right palm. Slowly lift your abdomen, hips and legs in air , keeping your feet on the floor. Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat the same for left side.

All of these postures have been designed keeping in mind the most prone positions of fat accumulation. All the yoga asanas provide a maximum body motion and stimulates the fat in flaps. The strain generated in muscles will result in fat burning and enhanced blood circulation. With these 10 asanas, you can wipe off your body fat and experience a toned and flexible body. So, go on and try these amazing asana for losing weight fast

Source: Fit n Diets

Harsh Vardhan

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