Why Are Some People Hesitant To Trust A COVID-19 Vaccine?

Most people think there has never been a successful vaccine for corona viruses, due to a problem unique to corona vaccines called pathogenic priming. In animal trials for previous vaccines, the animals were vaccinated and seemed to have a good antibody response, but upon exposure to the wild virus, developed a paradoxical immune enhancement, leading to…


Invest in the right place at the right time: Health First

We have already completed three months of a large part of the economy around the world under a complete lockdown. Most developed and developing nations have created brilliant examples of containing the spread of the pandemic. India has played a remarkable role in managing the same with imposing an evenly applied quarantine.   One noticeable change in the mindsets of people has been observed in the growing demand for an insurance…


A guide to use hand sanitizers effectively in children

Using hand hygiene is reported to reduce transmission of a variety of infections including the coronavirus. But, do you know that non-scientific and overzealous use of hand sanitizer can be bothersome for your kids. Yes, going overboard is not recommended as it can reduce immune defences in children. Furthermore, we highlight why parents should limit the…


High Heels and tight shoes can lead to Claw Toes

Tight and high heel shoes can weaken the muscles in the foot and lead to the imbalance that causes problems like Claw Toes, a common deformity of the forefoot that can leave toes curled down at the end joint making them resemble little claws. In India up to 20 percent people are affected by claw toes.…


Simple Guide to Natural Eye-care by Centre For Sight

Taking care of the eyes is the most important thing to do for our bodies. Don’t give your eyes harsh treatment but treat them naturally every day. Natural eye care is the daily and annual routines to adapt to take better care of eyes. Choose these simple natural methods to keep your eyes healthy and prevent…